Friday, October 28, 2005

Check Out 10th Reunion Pics

If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend you check out Larry Sampas' pictures from the 10th reunion. There's a link to his site on the right sidebar, but you can also get there from here. He's got an embarrassment of riches - several hundred pictures - including quite a few from our party in the former Goodhue cafeteria. I especially liked a series that shows the vultures (including me) descending on the gyros pizzas that showed up at one point that night. Thanks a lot for making the pictures available, Larry! On a related note, I went to homecoming (1st time in Nfld in a few years) and noticed that Bill's Pizza and the rest of that block had recently been demolished. What's up with that?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

"Since Carleton, I have surprised myself by..."

Greetings, folks. By now everyone has received a few mailings about reunion. Hopefully a lot of you are making plans to get to Carleton next June. Fantastic!

So that we can use your own witty words to get even more people to attend, we do want you to fill out the "class questionnaire" that was included by November 1st. You can even do it HERE, online. Have at it.