Wednesday, September 28, 2005

1991 & Music

I just got my 15th Reunion stuff in the mail yesterday and man, am I excited! Looking forward to staying in Davis, since I never got to live there.

In case anyone's interested, Steve Malloy and I host a blog together (also through Blogspot) called 2Songs. Originally, the idea was that each day, a few of us would post 2 songs we were listening to, thereby sharing new music. Naturally, at this point it's more like 2 songs a month...

On the same Class of 1991 and music theme, John Haesemeyer has a website devoted to his singer/songwriter talents. The site includes free MP3s. Most of the music is new, but a handful of the songs (Big Company, 41 Cents and an Airplane, Back to College) date back to Carleton and could have been heard in the Cave; Goodbye, Blue Moon; and various dorm rooms and stairwells around campus. In fact, if you dig deep (see Songs Gone Wild), you'll find a live version of Stupid Lonely Heart Song (lluminated Windows) recorded (somewhere) at Carleton in 1989. John will probably be embarassed that I'm posting about his site, but hey, I hear he's off in Australia on vacation. Leave the country and you're just ASKING for trouble...